
Our Story

The RecoverEaze Amino Acid formula was developed in the early 2000's by College Pharmacy, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and a clinic based out of Durango, Colorado named Mind and Body Works. For 12 years the RecoverEaze treatment was utilized by Mind and Body Works seeking to work holistically to overcome addictions. The use of RecoverEaze along with many other nutrient formulas (B-complex and vitamin C formulations) to help aid the body in its natural healing process assisting people challenged by over coming drug addictions. This specific Amino Acid Therapy was successfully administered to over 1200 people. Major of which are still living in sobriety.

Since the transformation from Mind and Body Works into Body Mind Recovery Technologies the focus has shifted from single clinic use to helping clinics all over the world use RecoverEaze. Our goal is to partner with clinics on a global scale making Amino Acid Therapy more available to promote Body and Mind health. Amino acid formulas have been around for decades and has been pushed aside by the exponential growth of pharmaceutical companies. We have come to find out amino acids are the way out of the numerous imbalances that chemical dependencies create.

We are rapidly expanding our horizons and making positive impacts to many people's lifestyle. Join us in making a healthier, conscious world. To get involved as a patient or a provider click the links below.


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