
The Amino Acid treatments (foundational for body cell growth and nutrition) with vitamins and minerals, have erased my cravings for alcohol and I did not experience any of the dreaded DDTs. Within the first few days, clarity of thought, feeling and emotional balance returned to me… Your wonderful program for taking control of my thought processes and directing the positive energy towards a life of abundance were reinforced by each phase of the treatment. Steve Sewell and Steve Adams, your counseling provided the discovery of deep emotions then direction to release them. The positive present and future thoughts, without the guilt or being paralyzed by the past, is present in my life, as instilled through your counseling… The deep massages relieved tension, bringing my body into alignment, with the joy of feeling loved and the healing of my body, mind and Spirit… The acupuncture treatment targeted my addictions and body organs that were damaged as a result of my addictive lifestyle


The NORA treatment just made sense to me logically – I had read lots of books that described what happens in the brain of an alcoholic and how amino acid IV treatment was a way to correct that corruption….. They told me that my cravings would disappear – 100% gone. I didn’t believe it….. After the treatment, I was deathly afraid of having those overpowering fantasy thoughts again – the ones that made me do insane things to get booze. But, I never had any…… I owe my sobriety to the NORA treatment, without which, I would surely be dead by now.”

On his relationship with meth...

Trying traditional drug rehabilitation in the past had only helped me to a certain extent and I soon found myself relapsing– caught once again in the vicious cycle of my drug addiction….. The amino acid IV therapy has helped me tremendously, both physically and mentally. I no longer have any cravings whatsoever and feel more healthier than I have in a VERY long time….. I feel less fatigued and now have the natural energy needed to take on the day. I am sharper in the mind and have improved mental clarity overall. I feel that my logic and reasoning has improved greatly, enabling me to better deal with life’s problems and any other challenges I may face in the future. Counseling with Steve has helped me to overcome my emotional hardships and put the past behind me. I now have a new lease on life and am truly confident that I can build a new drug-free life for myself.

Speaking of her daughter’s meth addiction

“My daughter used methamphetamines almost daily for about 10 years. She was so easily agitated and irritable that I couldn’t hold a conversation with her…..Through the 10-day amino acid IV treatment, acupuncture, massage, one-on-one counseling, and follow-up, my daughter is building a new life……We couldn’t have done it without the program at NORA. This treatment helped her body balance its natural chemistry, and diminish and eliminate the cravings. The follow-up supplements helped her to stay healthy, motivated and happy.I found your treatment to be the most well thought out plan for the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual components that have enormous effect on the healing of the patient…..This treatment works period.

Amphetamine addict

“This seems too good to be true, but it isn’t. I forever expected to be an amphetamine addict – I am not anymore!”…. “My life before receiving treatment at the N.O.R.A. Clinic was a desolate nightmare. I literally gauged my life and activities by how many Adderall pills I had left in my prescription…..”